Saturday, 18 March 2017

All about chocolate

Recently I've struggled for ideas for blog posts. In honesty it's not because I don't have actual ideas, but more about what I actually want to write about. I've been reviewing books and films monthly and being enjoyed that, but have been struggling to come up with ideas as feel some post ideas might be too personal. I've considered writing songs to get you through a break-up, about my mother for mother's day or even more about my love for fundraising. I'm really unsure though. I've also felt a bit overwhelmed to respond to comments as I try to every time, but feel not everyone reads the replies... I was considering taking a big break but thought no - I feel if I take a substantial break I might not come back!

Anyway, this brings me to my idea for my next post. After recently the following post: 50 blog post ideas when you have writer's blog; it seemed fitting. That is why I'm discussing chocolate. It also seems fitting as I'm sort of eating chocolate as I write this...

To me, chocolate is like diamonds; it can be a girl's best friend although men love it too. Not trying to be sexist there! I feel it can be eaten during moments of sadness, happiness or even as a "F**k you" to the diet. My love with chocolate can be far too emotional. I have a tiring day, I will buy chocolate. I feel crappy, I will buy chocolate. I am due on my period, I will buy chocolate or sweets. Something great happens and I want to reward myself, I will buy chocolate.

I am not completely against eating chocolate. Who am I kidding? I love it! I don't however like the fat belly (all my weight seems to go there, to my thighs and to my hips). I also don't like the cravings and how irritable I get if I don't have it when crave it.

How about the facts of chocolate?

  • Chocolate was used as money - it used to be considered worth more than gold!
  • White chocolate isn't real chocolate because it uses cocoa butter, as opposed to cocpa which classifies it as chocolate. Mind blown!
  • Europeans account for almost half the world's chocolate consumption
  • One to put you off chocolate for a bit - on average, one chocolate bar contains 8 insect parts
  • Cacao which chocolate is made from is quite good for you. It is a powerful antioxidant. Dark chocolate is seen as the most healthy as it has lots of antioxidants that help the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure
  • Eating dark chocolate widens arteries and helps healthy blood flow to stop the build-up of plaque that block arteries
  • Eating dark chocolate every day is said to reduce the risk of heart disease by 1/3
  • It can help reduce the risk of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity
  • The world's largest chocolate bar weighed 5,792kg
  • There are potato chips dipped in chocolate. Check out Lays wavy crisps!
  • Don't give chocolate to cats or dogs as it can sicken or even kill them. That's why our dogs get their own chocolate buttons from the pet shop
  • 100 pounds of chocolate is eaten every second in America
  • Chocolate is more effective than codeine for coughs
  • The smell can relax you because it increases theta brain waves
  • Chocolate contains high doses of caffeine and sugar, and is viewed as largely to blame for ADHD in children
  • Chocolate can cause headaches and this is why those who suffer from migraines shouldn't eat a lot of it

Credits: TelegraphFacts about chocolateDo something and Fact Slides

I feel I've learnt so much about chocolate from finding out these 16 facts and realise that it's not all bad. Eat chocolate and don't feel quite so guilty. Let me know what you think - did you know any of these?


  1. Loooove chocolate - I have such a sweet tooth! Did know it was used as currency once - very interesting.
    Thanks for sharing
    Laura x

  2. I love chocolate. But both me and my husband are very partial to the white kind haha , which I now have learned is actually not Chocolate. :o Mindblowing... hehe
    Another of my fav. chocolates would be dark chocolate with orange!

  3. Wow, can't believe it was used as money - what happened if it melted? or you ate it lol. I like the super dark stuff - its definitely the best and its good for you!

  4. I love chocolate. With anything, it's great in moderation x

  5. I didn't really like reading the bits about parts of insects in chocolate! Thankfully I'm doing Slimming World so not eating chocolate at the moment!

  6. These facts are so interesting, I didn't know that chocolate used to be used as money x

  7. ooh lot of exciting facts here, the Mayans drank it mixed with chilli.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 100 pounds every second?! That's madness! I wonder what the stats are like here in the UK! xx

  10. Great post I am a chocoholic and have written about the health benefits of this too. I even use it medicinally at home when I'm anaemic.

  11. I absolutely love chocolate so these are really interesting facts, not sure how I feel about knowing there's bugs in my bar though x

  12. I'm not someone who is mad on chocolate, even as a child. I'd take fruit over chocolate. BUT the white chocolate fact - interesting x

  13. I absolutely love chocolate but didn't know half of these facts x

  14. I am a massive chocoholic so I need it all x

  15. Some interesting facts here - I don't eat much chocolate but my BF loves it, so I've forwarded the link of the post over to him :-P x

  16. Writers block happens to us all and can be hard to overcome but chocolate seems like a good place to start! I had no idea that it was used as money at one point x

  17. I am very picky when it comes to chocolate. I can't bear truffles or rich belgian chocolate; more of a cadburys girl. Love these facts too x

  18. I only crave chocolate a couple of days a month, thank goodness! Kaz :)

  19. What an interesting post, thanks for sharing these facts. You are right chocolate is definitely a girls best friend , it great for celebrations, breakups, ditch the diet or just for a sneaky midnight feast.

  20. Chocolate is literally the soundtrack to my life. Whether I'm happy, sad, annoyed it's there. Really interesting facts about chocolate, especially the insect one yuck. It won't stop me eating it though ha ha

  21. LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate. In fact I'm eating chocolate buttons right now!

  22. Guess where I headed after reading this? Yep...the fridge! To hunt for chocolate! And I don't feel guilty thanks to you. By the way, I also wrote a '50 Headline Titles piece' to inspire a blog post (if you fancy a look?)

  23. I didn't know a lot of these facts. I'm really shocked about white chocolate! I'm a massive chocolate fan and like you mentioned use it to cheer myself up, reward myself...pretty much any excuse I can think of to eat it.

  24. I had no idea chocolate could cause headaches. That might explain why I used to suffer from migraines :)

  25. Ah this post is cute. I struggle for content all the time and never think to use a '50 post ideas' post as I feel no one would find that particular content interesting on my blog..but this is! x

  26. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but these are some cool facts!

  27. Can you imagine a world without chocolate? I certainly can't. Who would want to live in that world?!

  28. Chocolate - Instantly you have my attention! Great post and cant believe that the world's largest chocolate bar weighed 5,792kg WoW!! :) x

  29. I am a fan of chocolate and I did know the facts about dark chocolate and it's health benefits, but I did not know the fact about insect parts. I'm wishing that I didn't know it now!

  30. This is so interesting to me as I'm a massive chocolate fan!

  31. Fab post. I get into the chocolate mood sometimes and end up eating loads.

  32. I've given up chocolate and sweet stuff for lent but now I really want some!

  33. Love Chocolate, next time I have writers block I will have to eat some chocolate. Your list is good, it actually helps to bring up ideas so you an get back to writing!

  34. I adore chocolate - so many cool facts about it in this post!

  35. So many great facts about chocolate! Thanks for sharing :)

  36. I've been craving chocolate all afternoon!! Going to try thinking about those insect parts to try and stop me giving in to the temptation to eat a whole massive bar!

  37. I love chocolate and it is always my go to pick me up or stress reliever. Loved reading the facts as well x

  38. I love chocolate and it is so much fun reading all of these facts! I love that it was used as money!

  39. I can totally see why it was worth more than gold. If chocolate was currency now I'd pay more attention to the stock market. I'd be rich!

  40. what a great post! I love having a little bit of wispa in the fridge for those times of the month when I really need a fix!

  41. What's your favourite chocolate?

    1. I go through stAges. It's kinder Bueno at the moment. How about you?

  42. My boyfriends a total chocoholic! Going to tell him about the 8 insect parts haha.

  43. Just as I reach my 3rd week without any chocolate, I read this and now I'm craving it, haha!

  44. I'm a chocoholic. Have you ever tried bacon chocolate - yes that is a thing! It an interesting taste. xx

  45. Great post, you can't beat chocolate! My favourite is Lindt! xo
